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py-radon Code Metrics in Python
py-random2 Python 3 compatible port of Python 2 random module
py-ratelim (V) Makes it easy to respect rate limits
py-rauth Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumers
py-rb (V) The redis blaster
py-rcsparse (V) RCS parsing library for Python
py-re-assert Show where your regex match assertion failed
py-reactive-papi (V) Reactive Platform flatbuffer api
py-readlike GNU Readline-like line editing module
py-recaptcha (V) Plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide
py-recordclass (V) Mutable variant of namedtuple
py-redbaron (V) FST for python to make writing refactoring code a realistic task
py-rednose Coloured output for nosetests
py-registry (V) Read access to Windows Registry files
py-regress (V) Python bindings to the Rust regress crate
py-releases (V) Sphinx extension for changelog manipulation
py-reparser Simple regex-based lexer/parser for inline markup
py-report (V) Pyreport makes notes out of a python script
py-repoze.lru Tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
py-reproducible (V) Reproducible library
py-requests HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
py-requests-cache (V) Persistent cache for requests library
py-requests-file Transport adapter for file:// URLs with the requests python lib
py-requests-futures Asynchronous Python HTTP for Humans
py-requests-mock Mock out responses from the requests package
py-requests-toolbelt Utility belt for advanced users of python-requests
py-requests-unixsocket Use requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket
py-requirements-parser Parses Pip requirement files
py-requirementslib (V) Tool for converting between pip-style and pipfile requirements
py-resolvelib Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
py-restructuredtext_lint reStructuredText linter
py-revolve (V) Python wrapper for Revolve checkpointing
py-rich-click Format click help output nicely with rich
py-rlp Package for Recursive Length Prefix encoding and decoding
py-rope Python refactoring library
py-ropemode (V) Ropemode, a helper for using rope refactoring library in IDEs
py-rpaths (V) Path manipulation library
py-rpds-py Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds)
py-rply Pure Python Lex/Yacc that works with RPython
py-rstr Generate random strings in Python
py-ruamel-base Common routines for ruamel packages
py-ruamel-yaml YAML parser/emitter
py-ruamel-yaml-clib C version of reader, parser and emitter for ruamel.yaml
py-ruff Extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust
py-ruff-lsp Language Server Protocol implementation for Ruff
py-rxpy3 (V) Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python, aliased for Rx3
py-sarge Wrapper for subprocess which provides command pipeline functionality
py-scan-build (V) Static code analyzer wrapper for Clang
py-scanapi (V) Automated Testing and Documentation for your REST API
py-scandir Better directory iterator and faster os.walk()
py-scard Python library for smart cards
py-schema (V) Simple data validation library
py-scikit-build Build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
py-scikit-build-core Build backend for CMake based projects
py-scramp (V) Implementation of the SCRAM protocol
py-SDL2 Python SDL2 bindings
py-selectors2 Back-ported, durable, and portable selectors
py-semantic_version Semantic version comparison for Python
py-semver Python package to work with Semantic Versioning
py-sentinels (V) Various objects to denote special meanings in python
py-sentry-sdk Python SDK for
py-serializable Library for (de)serializing Python Objects to and from JSON and XML
py-serialize (V) Multiple serialization formats with support for custom classes
py-serpent Simple serialization library
py-setuptools New Python packaging system
py-setuptools_git (V) Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git
py-setuptools_scm Manage your versions by scm tags
py-setuptools_trial Setuptools plugin for Twisted-based unit tests
py-setuptools-rust Setuptools plugin for Rust support
py-setuptools44 New Python packaging system (python 2.x version)
py-shutilwhich (V) Shutil.which for those not using Python 3.3 yet
py-simplegeneric Simple generic functions for Python
py-sip-qt5 (V) Qt5 support for sip
py-sip4 (V) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
py-six (V) Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
py-slugify Slugify (non-ASCII to ASCII) application that handles Unicode
py-smell (V) Autocompletion library for Python
py-smmap Git implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
py-snappy Python library for the snappy compression library from Google
py-sortedcollections (V) Python Sorted Collections
py-sortedcontainers Sorted collections library written in pure-Python
py-Spans Continuous set support for Python
py-speaklater Implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext
py-spyder-kernels (V) Jupyter kernels for Spyder's console
py-spyder-notebook (V) Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder
py-spyder-unittest (V) Plugin to run tests from within the Spyder IDE
py-spyder-vim (V) Plugin to enable vim keybindings to the spyder editor
py-srpy (V) Easy access and remote control of local/remote Python instances
py-srsly (V) Modern high-performance serialization utilities for Python
py-statgrap (V) Python bindings for the libstatgrab library
py-stdio-mgr Context manager for mocking/wrapping stdin/stdout/stderr
py-stem Python controller library for the tor daemon
py-stemming (V) Python implementation of Porter Stemming algorithm.
py-stevedore Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
py-stringcase (V) String case converter
py-subprocess32 Backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x
py-subversion Python bindings and tools for Subversion
py-subvertpy Alternative Python bindings for Subversion
py-sure Python testing tool
py-swh-core (V) Software Heritage core utilities
mk Subfolder